حملة تضامن مع المحامي والكاتب الصحفي البحريني احمد المرباطي

تواصل مع كاتب العريضة

Solidarity campaign with lawyer and journalist writer Ahmed al-Mirbati

2019-09-08 01:17:34

We, the citizens and residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), strongly condemn and condemn the physical and moral threats against the Bahraini lawyer and journalist Ahmed al-Mirbati, given the direct threats made by the Bangladeshi businessman (Aman Haneef) nicknamed (Haneef). By threatening him, he is exercising his professional role in order to proceed in taking criminal and civil procedures, and in the light of the documents available to him in order to perform his professional work based on the Bahraini law, which stipulates that the lawyer is responsible before his client for the performance of what was entrusted to him according to the provisions of the law; We would like to make it clear that in the state of institutions and law, the law must be enforced on everyone, the law must be obeyed, because this derives from the idea of ​​the legitimacy of authority and the legitimacy of the law and the legitimacy of the body that issued it. We have all the respect and appreciation in the threat and exploitation of influence in order to dissuade him from performing his professional work because only he, did his professional duties to the extent of the threat of death and abuse of influence sticky in the custody of a member of the royal family and in the Kingdom of Bahrain governed by laws and Deterrent systems if applied to everyone, and not to take with deterrent measures, this is such a mess, we are not in a state governed by the law of the jungle.
We deplore and object to what this lawyer was subjected to only because it violates all principles of freedom and justice and contradicts His Majesty the King's statement in his lofty speech that the Kingdom of Bahrain is continuing its journey in promoting the values ​​of political action based on the principles of the Charter and the Constitution and respect for the rule of law. All deterrent measures must be taken with this person or other persons who are indifferent to any state or law and who exploit the funds they have collected and collected legally or illegally to undermine the reputation of Bahrain by exploiting their influence or claiming to exploit their influence in a country The law stays on everyone.
After the World War came to an end with all its economic repercussions, one British government official expressed his concern about the economic situation in his country. Churchill directly inquired about the status of the judiciary in the country, and one of them replied that the judicial system is still fine. Churchill responded to fears of fear that his country is still fine since the judiciary is still active, and this reflects the seriousness of prejudice in the judiciary, whether by affecting the judiciary or lawyers as the judiciary standing or the spread of corruption in the security authorities, with implications for all state agencies.
Therefore, we call on all parties to intervene quickly and put an end to all these abuses that offend the Kingdom of Bahrain at all internal and external levels.

المحامي يوسف السيد

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