حوادث االسير على أوتستراد المتن السريع

تواصل مع كاتب العريضة

حوادث االسير على أوتستراد المتن السريع موضوع هذه المناقشة قد انشأ تلقائيا لعريضة



2013-09-23 09:03

we would like to expand the implementation of radars in all Lebanese highways . Why should we wait for more road victims. Why on earth we do not URGE the government to implement new driving rules ( at least on highways ). Maybe one day, one of their children would be the next VICTIM. Maybe this comment would wake up their conscious .



2013-09-24 16:26

Let's control the speed so we can try to control the death of innocents



2013-09-26 14:37

I don't why they were removed in the first place...



2013-09-30 10:30

Almost all people passing through this highway witness a very harsh accident happening to them or in front of them!!! It is really the highway of death!!!



2013-10-01 08:49

My message is to the Minister of Interior. "Please,strictly, apply the rules and regulations and show the citizen your commitments and concerns over the Public Safety"



2013-10-01 10:09

Route très dangereuse aux premières pluies, elle devient très glissante, dû aux émanations laissées par les nombreux camions.



2013-10-02 09:49

#5: -

The people's safety is the responsibility of our ministers! they're the ones who can find solutions to the increasing number of accidents & death on our roads!



2013-10-10 13:26

God be with you ! And protect all drivers!

#9 pqouo

2013-12-31 04:23